Wednesday, June 7, 2017


How long will a congregation last without a preacher? How long will a congregation continue gathering without a place to meet?

In 1810 a church in Creich, Scotland was assigned a preacher. In those days, the government in Scotland decided who would preach in the church. This particular church did not approve of the minister assigned to them, they did not believe that he taught proper biblical doctrine. So they began to assemble outdoors, leaving the preacher to address an empty building. It may have been fairly pleasant in the summer, at least on sunny days. But what about when it rained? What about in the winter?

They kept up their outdoor meetings for two years, until they could afford to build a place of worship. The church elders took turns doing the teaching for more than thirty years. It was not until 1843 that they were finally able to bring in a trained minister to aid them in the work. When they invited the new minister to join them in the work, 280 members signed the invitation.

If we had lived in Scotland in 1810, what would we have done? Would our commitment to the Lord have been firm enough to keep us functioning as a church under such conditions?

The next time we are tempted to think that the church asks too much, the next time we are tempted to neglect the assembling of the believers, we need to think of these people. Someday those people will stand with us before the throne of God. In that moment of judgment will we be tempted to offer the excuses that we offer now?

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