Friday, February 24, 2017

Who Paid Up?

At an international conference a year ago, countries from around the world promised to give aid to the refugees from Syria. Unfortunately for the refugees, there is no nutritional value in a promise, nor will a promise put a roof over your head. Thus many refugees are still hungry and homeless.

Several countries (US, UK, Canada, Germany and even Estonia) met and even exceeded their promises. But there were several defaulters, and some of them were huge. Saudi Arabia pledged $200 million but backed that down to $27.9 million. China promised $35 million, but paid only $3 million.

But let’s not be too quick to criticize. Let us first ask, “How are we doing on our pledge to Christ?”

In coming to Christ we pledged to love him more than our earthly families (Lk 14:26). Are we putting his spiritual family ahead of our earthly family, or does his family take second place?

In baptism we promised that we were dying to the old life (Rom 6:1-4). Are we living the new life or the old?

We claim to be a people called together for the purpose of proclaiming his excellencies (1 Pet 2:9). Are we fulfilling that purpose?

In calling ourselves Christians we claim to be following in his steps (1 Pet 2:21). Would an impartial observer notice any resemblance?

It is easy to condemn the Saudis and the Chinese for not keeping their commitment. It is a different matter to look at our own lives to see how our actions look in light of our claims.

Are we living up to our commitment?

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