Tuesday, July 2, 2019

Expecting the Best

Many years ago, I heard an old friend ask his son a simple question. The father was looking at the son’s report card. I do not know if the grades were high or low. I did not see the report card. All the father said was, “Did you do your very best?” The son admitted that he had not done his best all the time. The father then replied, “Well I expect you to do your best.”

I had a father like that too. He did not expect of me what I was incapable of doing; but he did expect me to do my best, every day, at every task.

Some people, who did not really know him, thought that my father was an angry and overly demanding person. Perhaps he was not what would be called handsome; and his looks may have contributed to the impression that he was angry. But I think that the impression came mainly from the fact that he expected people to do their best – and let them know that he was not happy if they failed to do their best. People do not accept that approach these days. The old saying, “Anything worth doing is worth doing well, is rarely heard now.” That is a shame.

It is the father who accepts second best who is failing his children. The father too lazy or disinterested to call for the best from his children is the one who lacks love. The father who expects their best effort is the one who truly loves his children.

We should expect the best effort from our children. Church leaders should expect the best efforts from church members. Friends should call upon friends to do their very best. We should not expect of people what they are incapable of doing. But neither should we ever accept half-hearted effort.

Whoever spares the rod hates his son, but he who loves him is diligent to discipline him (Proverbs 13:24, ESV).

Whatever you do, work heartily, as for the Lord and not for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the inheritance as your reward. You are serving the Lord Christ (Colossians 3:23-24, ESV).
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil
(Ephesians 5:15-16, ESV).

Therefore, brothers, be all the more diligent to confirm your calling and election, for if you practice these qualities you will never fall (2 Peter 1:10, ESV).

Therefore, beloved, since you are waiting for these, be diligent to be found by him without spot or blemish, and at peace (2 Peter 3:14, ESV).

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